Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rememberance Day

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a day where we can publicly remember those things or moments that have resonated deep within us for one reason or another ? It is the little things in our lives that can at times have the most profound significance, yet be trivial occurrences when examined by the lens of all human perception. What makes you smile, or feel like the world is granting you a gift? Is it a sound? Is it a scent? Or is it a particular song?
These are the small things in our lives that often influence the big things. The scent of a place can either instantly give us a feeling of serenity, or a feeling of acute discomfort. A combination of things may indeed give us that sense of being wrapped in a warm loving blanket, safe from all threats of harm. Today I would like to remember the scent of sunshine and chocolate. The combination of those scents give me a sense of comfort and rightness. The smell of leaves, and the fall air can almost bring me to tears with the beauty of the lushness in the earth as she prepares to sleep. What would you remember? If you could...

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